[ they/she ]
I’m a digital visual development artist and freelance illustrator from the USA east coast! I’ve got a knack for bright color, fun characters, and deep-diving into research for world building. I love the weather, crocheting, and anything else that’s hands-on. Find me outside on my porch with my cat, listening to the wind and painting my favorite characters!
miithersdoodles@gmail.com | resume
* I respond to emails Sunday - Wednesday.
I post most often on my Instagram (shown here)! Keep up to date with my current interests, doodles, and other things you want to know about me.
You’ll often find me going by “miithers” and that comes from a special nickname I got when I was little! It meshes my middle and first name together. Pronounced mih-thurs.
When I was six, I was introduced to a magical film by Dreamworks called Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron. It’s about a horse and his difficult journey through the changing America of the mid 1800’s, but I was focused so much more on the feature DVD that came with it. The star animator, James Baxter, gave the audience a behind-the-scene peek at how he drew Spirit, step for step.
I didn’t know it at the time, but all the begging I did of my mother to put the feature DVD in so I could follow along wouldn’t only start me on my path to horseback riding, but art school as well!
Personally, art school was the only option I was ever interested in; I’d always been enthralled by the world and what she had to offer materialistically: geology, volcanology, archeology (a lot of -ology’s), the weather - my love for well-rounded and well-explained worlds just became my entire reason for wanting to storytell. I wanted to create worlds that other people could lose themselves in because it made sense and had gravity to it.
I guess I owe the whole jump-start to James Baxter and an animated horse.
Previous/Current Clients
Anderson Design Group, Inc. // freelance artist // April 2021 - present
Conceptual Trailer “Toraiocht” // prop artist // September - December 2023
TTRPG “All the Witches” // character artist + costume designer // July - September 2023
Past Experience:
visual development + design courses // SCAD 2022-2023
Procreate + Photoshop